CC United Refund and Withdrawal Policies
Competitive League
CC United Soccer Club has a no refund policy on fees paid except in the case of injury or moving out of the area. Requests must be received in writing and refunds are subject to a $30 processing fee and any service fees paid are non-refundable.
If we are unable to offer your player a spot on a team, a full refund will be issued.
Recreational Programs
Requests must be in writing. If a player drops:
Before teams are formed: a full refund will be issued (less service fees).
After teams are posted but before the first session: 50% credit will be issued for a future program.
After the first session: No refund.
Fees will not be prorated for missed sessions, late registrations or weather cancelations.
Camps and Clinics
A full refund, less any service fees, will be issued up to a week before the first day of camp.
Requests to cancel within 7 days of the start of camp will be given a 50% credit to be used in a future CC United program.
No refunds after the first day of a camp/clinic.
Coach Disciplinary Process
CC United is dedicated to the development of well-rounded youth through positive sports competition. We strive to develop fundamental skills through active participation of our players and to promote good sportsmanship from our players, coaches and parents.
A disciplinary plan is important for maintaining a positive and safe environment for all youth soccer players. It ensures that coaches understand and adhere to appropriate behavior and conduct, and provides a clear process for addressing any violations.
This draft is designed to outline the steps the Club will take when situations arise that are in potential opposition to good sportsmanship as it relates to Coach behaviors, on and off the field. The objective of this document is to outline an unbiased, clear, consistent and repeatable process which can be used throughout the Club at all levels of play.
CC United will take a “Three Strike” approach outlined below. Reports may be filed with any member of the Board or the Director of Coaching and Director of Operations within the Club.
Step 1: First Offense- Awareness and Discussion
Reporting an incident is not taken lightly by the Club and will be investigated promptly and privately as possible. The Director of Coaching for CC United will address first complaints with the Coach in Question within 7 business days of the first report.
The Coach in Question will meet with the Director of Coaching to discuss the issue and determine an appropriate course of action. This step is intended to provide an opportunity for the coach to understand the concerns and take corrective action.
Possible actions following this meeting may include, but are not limited to, a verbal or written warning, or a probationary period during which the coach's behavior will be closely monitored.
The report and the result will be filed with the Board upon closure.
Step 2: Second Offense
If a second complaint is reported, the CC United Board of Directors will become directly involved, including the President, VP/Director of Sportsmanship and the Director of Competition. Additional board members may participate at the discretion of the President. There is no ‘statute of limitations’ with regard to the complaint and timing related to the First Offense.
While the complaint is Active, a board member will inform the Coach in Question of an interim 30-day cooling period, whereby the coach is asked to limit involvement to dropping off / picking up their own child (if applicable) and, in earnest for the benefit of the players, attempt to remove themselves from any potential confrontation or unnecessary contact with other players or coaches.
Upon investigation, which will include fact gathering via interviews with affected parties, the Board will recommend either a two-step process or removal, depending on the severity of the incident reported within the 30-day cooling period.
Step One: The coach will be required to complete an online or in-person training program relative to the nature of the issue, paid by the Club. This training will focus on topics such as cultural sensitivity, positive communication and effective coaching techniques. Additionally, the Club may take possible actions including temporary or permanent suspension of the Coach in Question if determined to be appropriate.
This training will be completed and verified prior to Step Two. Exceptions will be handled on a case by case basis by the DOC, DOO and one Board member (minimum).
Step Two: The Coach will be required to shadow one or more coaches to observe and learn best practices at the direction of the Director of Coaching or Director of Operations. The Coach may or may not be allowed to be on the field during this shadowing period, at the discretion of the DOC, DOO and one Board member (minimum). At the conclusion of or during the last shadowing session, the DOC will assess if the Coach in Question is ready to return to coaching activities.
This step is designed to provide the Coach in Question with the opportunity to learn from a more experienced and successful coach, and understand how the values of the club present themselves in a coaching environment.
Possible actions following this step may include, but are not limited to, a probationary period during which the coach's behavior will be closely monitored, or a suspension of coaching duties.
Step 3: Third Offense
The coach will be removed from all duties and may not be eligible to coach in the program again. This step is intended to protect the safety and well-being of all youth soccer players and maintain the integrity of the program.
It's important to note that the above steps are not necessarily sequential - depending on the severity of the offense, the disciplinary action may skip steps or proceed directly to the final step. The Director of Coaching in conjunction with the Board will have discretion in determining the appropriate action for each case.
Club: CC United
Coach in Question: The individual(s) of whom a report or complaint has been filed with the Club.
Training program: Either online or in person, the nature of which is intended to provide education and reflection on a particular topic as determined by the to DOC and / or the Board. A coach in question would watch/complete/participate in the training program and provide confirmation of completion along with receipt for reimbursement.
CC United Player Code of Conduct
CC United is committed to developing well-rounded youth through positive sportsmanship and skill development. Our Player Code of Conduct (PCOC) aligns with our CCU Values as part of our goal to help guide players to be role models on and off the field.
Whether on the field for practice, games, or representing CC United in community events, players must adhere to these guidelines:
Incident Reporting & Disciplinary Process
The Club takes incident reporting seriously and investigates as quickly and confidentially as possible. It is the responsibility of the coach(es) to address any misconduct they observe or are informed about promptly and respectfully. Parents are encouraged to report any inappropriate player behavior to the coaches immediately. Alternatively, parents/guardians may alert the club of an incident by email to
Investigations are initiated within seven days of the reported incident. Coaches and/or Board Members will engage all relevant parties, collect written statements, and assess the validity and severity of the claims.
If players are found to have violated the PCOC guidelines, the following disciplinary process applies:
In extreme cases, the Board may decide to remove a player immediately for severe misbehavior. Such decisions are final and cannot be appealed. Criminal violations of the PCOC will be referred to legal authorities.
This Code of Conduct aims to maintain a positive, respectful, inclusive, and safe environment, crucial for everyone to enjoy soccer.
Spectator Zero Tolerance Policy
This policy has been developed to address the increased incidences of referee abuse in youth sports, both physical and verbal, which includes public dissent of a referee.
To be clear, CC United has a zero-tolerance policy of verbal abuse or negative criticism of referees from any spectator at CCU events.
CC United Policy:
Spectators may not verbally or physically abuse a referee before, during, or after a game. This includes expressing disagreement or dissatisfaction (including gestures expressing disagreement) with the referees’ decisions.
This policy is not intended to imply that referees are always “right”. Referees will make mistakes in officiating, particularly in the younger divisions where they are learning how to referee. Due to a persistent shortage of referees, a referee may be asked to fill in at a higher-level game than they are comfortable officiating. Younger referees must have positive on-field experiences in order to continue to grow as an official and return each year.
CC United coaches have a process to report any concerns about the officiating of a game. Any feedback will then be given through a properly trained referee mentor.
Policy Violation Reporting
Any violation of this policy can be reported directly to the club by emailing CC United will investigate the incident and the reporter will remain anonymous.
Disciplinary Actions:
The CC United Board may impose disciplinary actions on any spectator in violation of the policy.
Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, warnings, suspension from attending one or more games, suspension from the season, or a permanent ban from any CCU event. All violations are unacceptable, but any abuse of a youth referee will be looked at more seriously.
We expect all spectators to demonstrate positive sideline behavior and to be role models for our players on the field. Please sit back and enjoy the game.
Competitive League Policies
Phone: 612-578-1625
CC United is focused on
uniting players, families, and our community through personalized play and positive connections—for a lifelong love of soccer.