Season kicks off April 21

Registration OPEN

Spring 25 Overview

The CC United Recreational League is for players 4 years old through 8th grade looking for a soccer experience that emphasizes participation and fun. Our program offers youth players the opportunity to learn the skills, techniques and rules of soccer in a fun and healthy environment. 

Season Details:

  • Season runs April 21 - June 14
  • Teams practice once during the week with games on Saturdays
  • Jamboree Season Celebration June 14


  • PreK - 2nd Grade - $160
  • 3rd-8th Grade - $175 (games have referees)
  • Fees include a full uniform kit (jersey/short/socks)

Sign up before March 1st and save $20!


  • Chaska Middle School Campus Fields

Team Formation

Registration is based on the grade your child is enrolled in for current school year. CC United will field teams for Pre-K through Grade 8. Players must be 4 years old by the start of the program.

There are separate leagues for the following ages:

  • PreK Group - Players entering Kindergarten Fall 2025 - 2027
  • Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade
  • 2nd Grade
  • 3rd and 4th Grade
  • 5th-8th Grade (will split 5-6th; 7-8th if numbers allow)

NOTE: Pre-Kindergarten teams are co-ed, but all other grades will be gender specific.

Everything is more fun with a friend! CC United will try to accommodate ONE friend request.

Requests must be mutual and the same practice night preference must be selected by both players.

What is the season like?

  • The season begins the week of April 21, with practices at Chaska Middle School Campus fields.  Coaches will hand out uniforms on the first day.
  • Each team practices once a week on a weeknight with games played on Saturdays. If you register early, you get to pick the the practice night that works best for you!
  • There will be Jamboree on June 14 to celebrate with your teammates. In addition to games, there are fun activities and food on site! 

CC United relies on volunteer parent coaches for all of our recreational teams. Please consider volunteering to coach your child's team - you can sign up in the registration. No experience is needed!


    All practices are on Weeknights between 6 and 8p. All games take place on Saturday mornings through early afternoons.

    Your team will be assigned a practice night which will stay the same throughout the season. If you register by March 1st, you can submit your practice night preference.

    Pre-K Group A - enter K in Fall '26 or '27

    Note: must be 4 YO by first session

    Practices: Wednesday or Thursday 6p

    Games: 8:30 AM

    Pre-K Group B - entering K in Fall '25

    Practices: Monday or Tuesday 6p

    Games: 9:00 AM

    Boys K

    Practices: Wednesday or Thursday 6p

    Games: 11:00 AM

    Girls K

    Practices: Monday or Tuesday 6p

    Games: 11:30 AM

    Boys 1st

    Practices: Monday or Tuesday 6p

    Games: 9:45 or 11:00 AM (12:15 PM if needed)

    Girls 1st

    Practices: Wednesday or Thursday 6p

    Games: 8:30 or 9:45 AM

    Boys 2nd

    Practices: Wednesday or Thursday 6:30p

    Games: 8:30  or 9:45 AM

    Girls 2nd

    Practices: Monday or Tuesday 6:30p

    Games: 9:45 or 11:00 AM (12:15 PM if needed)

    Boys 3-4th

    Practices: Monday or Tuesday 6:30p

    Games: 9:45 or 11:00 AM

    Girls 3-4th

    Practices: Wednesday or Thursday 6:30p

    Games: 8:30 or 9:45 AM

    Boys 5-8th

    Practices: Wednesday or Thursday 6p or 7p

    Games: 8:30 or 9:45 AM

    Girls 5-8th

    Practices: Monday or Tuesday 6p or 7p

    Games: 9:45, 11:00 AM or 12:15 PM


    All practices and games are expected to be at the Chaska Middle School Campus, 

    Tentative Locations (permit pending)

    Pre-K/K- Field G/H

    1st-2nd- Field B

    3rd/4th- Field G/H

    5th-8th- Field D/ Turf


    First week of practices: April 21-24

    First Game: Saturday, April 

    Picture Day (1 of 2): May 3

    Picture Day (2 of 2): May 10

    Jamboree: June 14- Celebrate the season with our annual event with two games, food trucks and bouncy houses/other games!


    Each player will recieve a uniform including a jersey, shorts and a pair of socks .

    Additional Equipment:

    Each player will need to bring/wear the following:

    • Shin guards - all players are required to purchase and wear shin guards
    • Cleats (or athletic shoes) 
    • Soccer Ball - players should bring their own ball to practices.
    • Pre-K through 2nd grade - size 3 soccer ball
    • 3rd - 8th Grade - size 4 soccer ball

    At CC United, we require all recreational teams to have a parent volunteer coach.  We provide training and curriculum via Step by Step Soccer.

    We have trained youth coaches ready to fill in with any absences or assistance needed.

    Have any questions? Contact our Director of Coaching Jonathan Tudor at

Video: Welcome to the Rec League

Thank You to Our Sponsors

2025 Recreational League jersey sponsors

Ashton McGee Restoration │ Chick-Fil-A │ Kottemann Orthodontics │ ETS Performance │ South Lake Pediatrics │ Tono Pizzeria – Chanhassen │ Twin Cities Orthopedics │ Robinson Fresh │ Willy McCoy's

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