Fall Competitive League

The 2024 Fall Competitive League offers teams for players born between 2010-2017 (U8-U14).

Registration is closed for the Fall 2024 season. Interested in joining CCU's competitive league?

Check out our upcoming Summer 2025 season.

League Information

  • 2016 and 2017 players are combined to form the U9 age group.
  • 2010 players (U15) are eligible ONLY if they are not playing for a high school team and are combined with the 2009 players to form the U14+ age group.
  • Club soccer does not offer U15-U19 teams in the fall as most players participate on high school teams.
  • CCU attempts to keep consistent rosters for the fall and summer seasons. However, due to registration numbers the roster may change between seasons .

Fall Season Overview

June Registration opens
Mid-July Tryouts for Fall 2024
Late July Team placement sent out
Aug. 1 Deadline to order uniform kit
Mid-Aug. Age group and team training begins
Sept. League games begin
Mid-Oct. End of season
  • Fall Tryouts and Team Formation

    Tryouts have been set for the Fall 2024 Season:

    U8-U11 (2014-2017) Fall Player Evaluations 

    • Take place July 15-16, 2024. Click HERE for the schedule. One day is skills testing and the second day is field evaluations.
    • U9-U11 Fall teams are announced after the evaluations
    • Players born in 2017 play at the U9 level
    • Before tryouts, the club sets 2 dates where players have the opportunity to drop in and walk through the stations to become familiar with the drills. CC United staff will be there to help parents walk through the stations with their child. 

    U12-U15 (2010-2013) Fall Player Evaluations

    • Take place July 28-29, 2024. Click HERE for the schedule..
    • U15 (2010) players are eligible ONLY if they are not playing high school soccer in the fall. Depending on registration numbers, U14 and U15 players may be combined to form U14+ teams.
    • Fall U12-U14+ teams are announced the beginning of August after tryouts.

    Team Formations

    CC United's goal is to create teams for all skills levels at each age group. Player placement is based on a combination of:

    • Performance and coach feedback from previous seasons
    • July Evaluations

    Missed tryouts? 

    If your child missed tryouts, complete the Fall 2024 registration and CCU will contact you with playing options.

    • If a player in not able to attend tryouts, they will be placed based coach feedback. 
    • If player is new to the club and cannot attend try-outs, they will be placed on a lower level team or team in need of players.

  • Practices and Games


    Fall training includes both age group and team training. One day a week the Director of Coaching will lead an age group training session. The second practice of the week is team training which is set by the coach.


    Teams play 5-6 games in the fall. Games can be played on Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays. 

    Families can expect to have 2-3 soccer events per week.

  • Fall Fees

    Fees for the Fall 2024: $260

    In addition to team fees, players are responsible for the following:

    • Uniforms - All players are required to purchase and wear the current CC United uniform kit ($170).
    • Tournaments fees. Tournament fees are a team expense to be split evenly amongst all players regardless of attendance.
    • Travel Expenses – food/lodging/travel expenses if traveling for tournaments
    • Team Expenses - to cover the cost of scrimmages, paid coach travel expenses or any other expenses incurred by the team.
    • Players are expected to provide their own shin guards, cleats, and ball.

    CC United has a no refund policy. No refunds are given on competitive fees paid except in the case of injury or moving out of the area.

  • Uniforms

    Players are required to purchase the CC United uniform kit. The cost of the uniform is approximately $170 and is not included in the fees. The same uniform kit is worn for both the fall and summer seasons. The current uniform cycle runs Summer 2024-Fall 2025.

Season Overview by Age Group

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