Missed tryouts and still interested in playing for CCU?
We are still adding players to teams if there are spots available.
Fill out the form below with your child's year of birth and whether you are interested in the boys' or girls' league. We will be in touch.
The 2025 Summer Competitive league is for players born between 2006-2017 (U8-U19).
Summer Competitive Season Overview
Team Placement and Evaluations
Check out the Tryouts page for any upcoming schedules.
CC United’s goal is to assign players to a team that will challenge while at the same time allow for success in development. CC United believes a player's team placement is best based off performance and commitment over an entire season in addition to the formal evaluation.
Summer 2025 Tryouts
U13-U19 Tryouts for Summer 2025 Teams:
U8-U12 Player Evaluations for Summer 2025 Teams:
Fees for the summer competitive season range from $695-$1550 depending on age and team level.
Club fees cover the cost of indoor winter training facilities, insurance, coach and referee expenses, club staff, administrative expenses, coach development, team equipment, and field equipment.
Fees for Summer 2025 :
In addition to club fees, players are responsible for the following:
CC United Refund Policy
No refunds are given on competitive fees paid except in the case of injury or moving out of the area. Submission of the Commitment Registration and/or payment of the Commitment Fee binds a player to CC United for the soccer year.
Below is the payment schedule for 2024-2025:
Fees are broken down into the following installments:
NPL and Super NPL:
U11-U19 Teams Starting Training in Nov:
U11-U19 Teams Starting Training in Jan:
U9-U10 Teams:
After accepting a spot on the team and paying the $300 commitment fee, your credit card will automatically be charged for any future payments.
Financial Aid
CC United offers aid to families in need of financial assistance. Families meeting the club’s criteria will be awarded a reduced fee for the season. For more information, see the Financial Aid page under the Resources tab.
Players are required to purchase the CC United uniform kit. The cost of the uniform is approximately $170 and is not included in the fees. The same uniform kit is worn for both the fall and summer seasons. The current uniform cycle runs Summer 2024-Fall 2025.
Did you miss tryouts? No worries, we keep taking registrations after tryouts as long as there is space on rosters.
Send an email with your child's name and date of birth to info@ccunitedsoccer.com and someone from the club will be in touch with soccer opportunities.
2024-25 Season Overviews
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Phone: 612-578-1625
Contact: info@ccunitedsoccer.com
CC United is focused on
uniting players, families, and our community through personalized play and positive connections—for a lifelong love of soccer.