U8-U12 Summer 2025 Tryouts

Clover Ridge Fields in Chaska

Oct 10, 14-15

October tryouts form U9-U12 teams for the Summer 2025 season.

More Info. on Summer 2025 League To Register
Birth Year Date Time
Girls 2016/2017 (U8/9) Monday, Oct. 14 5:00-6:15pm
Girls 2015 (U10) Monday, Oct. 14 6:15-7:30pm
GIrls 2014 (U11) Monday, Oct. 14 7:30-8:45pm
Girls 2013 (U12) Thursday, Oct. 10 5:00-6:15pm
Birth Year Date Time
Boys 2016-2017 (U8/9) Tuesday, Oct. 15 5:00-6:15 PM
Boys 2015 (U10) Tuesday, Oct. 15 6:15-7:30pm
Boys 2014 (U11) Tuesday, Oct. 15 7:30-8:45 PM
Boys 2013 (U12) Thursday, Oct. 10 6:15-7:30pm

All players should attend their scheduled session as it helps us place your child on the proper level team. If you cannot attend the session you can indicate that in the registration.

Players must be registered prior to evaluations to be placed on a team - even if you do not attend evaluations. Your registration is the only way the club knows if your player plans on playing for CCU for the season.

Mandatory Pre-check in:

Tryouts will be held at Clover Ridge Elementary School fields . There is no shelter at the field and due to the large number of players, parents must drop in during the hours below to check-in your player ahead of time and pick up the assigned pinnie.

Pre-check in hours:

  • Monday, Oct. 7 at 2-5pm
  • Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 3-6pm
  • Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 10-1pm
  • Thursday, Oct. 10 at 10-1pm
  • Friday, Oct. 11 at 12-4pm
  • Monday, Oct. 14 at 10-1pm

Office location: 7801 Park Drive, Suite F, Chanhassen

There will not be check-in at the field so if you are not able to make one of the times above, please ask a friend or teammate to check in for you.

  • U9-U12 Oct Tryouts - What to expect

    Pre-check in:

    Parents will need to stop by the club office at one of the desingated times to pre-check in for  tryouts.

    Players should come ready to play both days wearing their pre-assigned reversible pinnie.

    • Shorts/t-shirt/cleats/shin guards, water bottle and sunscreen
    • Wearing reversible pinnie received at pre-check-in
    • Size 4 ball (with name written on it in Sharpie)
    • Players report directly to the field.

    What to expect at Evaluations: 

    Field Evaluations – players will be organized into teams and scrimmage. Players may shift between positions, teams and fields – the movement allows the club to view different combinations of players and in different positions.

  • Player Placement Criteria

    Initial Player Placement Criteria

    The initial placement of a player is based on:

    • Tryout information

    • Coach’s final evaluation from previous competitive seasons with CC United including:

    o The player’s rostered team

    o Any team the player consistently trained with through the Open-Door Training Policy.

    • Attendance with your team (and other teams as applicable)

    • Director of Coaching input 

    We make every effort to place all players on a team. If after tryouts, the Director of Coaching feels your child is not quite ready for the competitive league, they will reach out to explore playing options.

    If a current CCU player cannot attend tryouts, placement will be based on all other relevant information available. If a player is new to the club and not able to attend tryouts, they will be placed on the lowest team and evaluated once training begins. 

    At CC United, we view player evaluation as a continual process throughout the season and may adjust roster assignments throughout winter training as players grow and develop after their initial placement.

    This process of continual evaluation encourages accountability and goal setting for our players. 

    Accountability: Players on higher level teams are expected to demonstrate their level of commitment and desire to train throughout the entire season to maintain their spot on the team.

    Goal Setting: Players who aspire to move up a level are encouraged to set winter training goals which may result in movement over the winter months.

    The goal of any evaluation is to place players at a level where they are challenged to develop while also at a level where they experience success. The placement process works to its full potential if the family is in communication with the Director of Coaching and the coach. 

    Tryout information is gathered from:

    Small Sided Game Evaluation:  Evaluated by the coach from the highest team, the Director of Coaching, and others from a different age group. Players are assigned to a field and may be moved to a different field during initial evaluation. Fields are then frozen, and a bonus allocated to their score based on field rank. The coach assigns a score to each player based on their performance relative to the players on that field only. The combination of the field ranking and player performance equals a player’s total score.

    Coach’s Final Evaluation 

    At the end of the season each head coach evaluates players on attendance, attitude, technical and physical ability, and game effectiveness. 

    To encourage development and goal setting, coaches send each family a mid-season evaluation in May giving players areas to work on. If a parent requires more information on their child’s performance, they can reach out to the Director of Coaching to arrange a review. 


    Attendance is looked at throughout the season. Players/Parents can indicate their child’s attendance via the Playmetrics app. Players that fail to indicate their attendance will be marked absent. 

    CC United encourages multi-sport athletes, but of equal importance is accountability. If a player makes a high-level team and plays a winter sport, they are expected to communicate with the coach and if possible, train with another CC United team that fits into their schedule. If there is no communication and/or time with the ball, they run the risk of losing placement. 

    Movement after Tryouts

    Player movement can happen through March. Adjustments may occur based on any of the following:

    • Skill Level – A player may be moved (either up or down) if there is a team that better fits their skill level. For the younger age groups this may include a program change (competitive to development or recreational).

    • Non-Attendance – missing training with no communication or time on the ball 

    • Roster Sizes – adjustments made with new players registering or players withdrawing from the season.

    • A player using the club’s Open-Door Training Policy on an advanced team.

    Coaches assess the ability, drive, and commitment of all players November- March. If a player has the potential of changing teams (either up or down a level), the coach will open a communication channel with the family. The family will be notified of any change in fees if a player is moved to a different team. Players attending less than 10% of practices can be moved at any time throughout the season.

    Please acknowledge that once a player makes a team, they can make plans to either keep or potentially advance status.

    Open-Door Training Policy

    Our Open-Door Training Policy allows a player to attend another team’s training that they are physically able to compete with. Out of respect to planning, the family must email the coach prior to attending. 

    Our ODTP is in place year-round to allow more opportunities for players to develop, create competition for placement, and most importantly to break down social barriers that exist when teams are created.

    A player placed on a lower team has a higher potential of moving up if they attend additional winter training which in turn improves their ability and effectiveness on the field. Players seeking to advance should train with the team they aspire to make.

    The ODTP does not guarantee movement, but will always result in increased training opportunities, goal setting practices, and a larger connection with players from other teams.

    We want families to recognize, support, and be comfortable with more than their team. We are one club and should utilize the ODTP for development/social connections creating a positive club culture.

  • Team Invitation/Acceptance Process

    For Summer 2025 teams:

    An email will be sent out shortly after tryouts with your child's team assignment.

    Team placement is secured by accepting the invitation and paying a commitment fee. This officially places your child on the roster and binds your player to CC United for the 2024-25 season. Players have the option to pay for fees in full or sign up for a monthly installment plan.

    Players must accept their invitation by the stated deadline. Spots not accepted by the deadline can be offered to another player.

  • Tryouts - A note to parents

    Parents are welcome to watch but please stay off the field and remain on the grass near the parking lot and refrain from interacting with the groups on the field. Talk to your player before tryouts, some players prefer that their parnet not watch the evaluation.

    For many players this age, this may be the first evaluation they are attending. We understand players and parents alike may feel a little anxious - uncertain which team your child will be placed or wondering if your child will know anyone on the team. We want evaluations to be a positive experience where your child works hard AND has fun.

    Player evaluations help us match your player’s ability to a team at this point of their soccer journey.

    What can you do as a parent?

    As a parent, you can help us make evaluations a positive experience.

    • Go out in the backyard and take a few touches on the ball with your player. For many players it has been a few weeks since the season ended. Encourage your player to get out the soccer ball to get comfortable with it again.
    • Remind your child to focus on things within their control such as attitude and hard work.
    • And if your child does not make the team they were hoping for? Assure your player that this is just one moment in their soccer experience, and they have the opportunity to work hard throughout the season to develop their skills. This is an opportunity for resilience and practice in setting goals.
    • Make sure your player is well rested.

    We make every effort to place all players on a team. If after tryouts, the Director of Coaching feels your child is not ready for the competitive league, they will reach out to discuss playing options.

    Soccer, like all sports, is an opportunity to have fun, form friendships and develop both individually and as a team. Sports also create opportunities for persistence, lessons on achievement, as well as disappointment, lessons in leadership and what is means to be part of a team.

    At CC United we are honored to have your child in our program – we are excited for the season ahead!

  • Missing Tryouts?

    • Due to the nature of tryouts, there are no make-up sessions.
    • Returning CCU players missing tryouts will be placed on a team based on their previous year's performance and coach evaluations.
    • Players new to CCU will be placed on a lower level team and assessed once the season begins.
    • ALL PLAYERS MUST REGISTER - even if not attending tryouts. You can indicate in the registration if your child is not attending.

Helpful Documents for Parents:

U13-U19 Teams for Summer 2025 have already been formed.

There are still spots available in most age groups. If you have a U13-U19 player interested in playing in CC United's Summer 2025 Competitive League, send your child's name, date of birth, and any background soccer experience to info@ccunitedsoccer.com. A member of our staff will be in touch to talk about soccer options.

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